The Google Play Store has millions of apps and we love Android for that. An app or apps to add almost any feature to our device makes us feel good. Actually, you can easily uninstall apps with no uninstall option on Android devices. Check out the instructions given below. All of us like to try new apps whenever we get to know about a good one.
We use an app for a certain purpose but the hunt for a still better option keeps going on. While it is not easy to uninstall system or stock apps from the device without having root access on it, installing third-party apps and uninstalling them is really very easy.
What would you do if you installed an app from the Play Store and having tried it for a while, do not like it and wish to uninstall, but are surprised to find that you are unable to do it? I am not sure how many of you will need a solution for this issue but I still decided to cover the topic when on of our users asked me a way to uninstall the Floating Touch app from his phone. Freedom allows you to block more than websites — we can also block mobile apps.
Before you can turn anything specific off, however, you need to enable Restrictions in Settings. But what you can do is disable them. Home » Android.
Like this post? Any Snapchat Version is currently Detected. Snapchat is currently testing a brand new version of the app called Snapchat Alpha. RockPaperLz- Mask it or Casket 3, 19 19 gold badges 49 49 silver badges 88 88 bronze badges.
Michelle Lovaas Michelle Lovaas 79 2 2 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges. Can you please give some background on why you want to do that, and whether solutions requiring a computer are acceptable? There might be possibilities not doing exactly what you ask here now, but fitting your requirements nevertheless. Does this answer your question? How do I temporarily disable an app when there is no "Disable" option — Suncatcher.
Add a comment. Active 8 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 27k times. Any help would be appreciable. You can get there by selecting the "Settings" icon within your phone's app tray. Scroll down to the "Device" section and select the "Apps" option. Tap the tab at the top that's labeled "All," then scroll through the list to find the app you wants to blast.
Tap on the app, then tap the "Disable" button. Tap "OK" on the confirmation box that appears. Improve this question.