Here's how it works:. To access revision history for a model, navigate to that model in either the Home tab if it's a recently accessed file or in Trimble Connect. Open the file options menu the three-dot icon and click 'History'. This will reveal a list of revisions for your file on the right side of your screen.
When you mouseover a certain revision in the list, you'll see an action button: Open revision. If you choose to open a revision, this older version of your file will load into the modeler. In this state, any changes you make in this older version will be temporary until you choose to save your progress.
When you are reviewing a revision, you can choose to save your revision as a copy of the original model with a different name by using the Save or Save As commands. You can also choose to restore a revision using the Restore command in the blue status flag that displays on the left-hand side of the modeling window. In SketchUp for Web, there are several mechanisms for ensuring that your modeling work is resilient to problems like file corruption, browser crashes, and Internet connectivity.
By default, every five minutes, SketchUp for Web will auto-save your modeling progress. If you keep an eye on the Save button in the upper-left, you may notice this auto-save behavior.
When an auto-save happens, your file is saved in two important ways: First, a temporary, local back-up of your file is saved in your web browser cache.
Second, if you have already saved your model to Trimble Connect, auto-save will send your file to Connect as a new revision. The same thing will happen anytime you manually click the Save command. In addition to updating your Trimble Connect file record, auto-save also updates the temporary back-up file of your model stored in your web browser cache.
So, if you haven't yet saved a model to Trimble Connect, your modeling progress is saved in this temporary back-up file after the first auto-save. Still, it's a good idea to save your file when you start modeling. Any thoughts on this issue? If you have trouble finding your downloads folder, click on the show downloads icon near the top right of the Safari window:. If you use Google Chrome instead, you get to choose a name and location for your file and it has a. I have the same problem.
After attempting to downloading the. When you download a model to your device, a copy of the model is stored locally and will be accessible from the Home screen. The model will remain on the device even if you go offline or sign out from whatever service you downloaded it from.
When browsing models on 3D Warehouse, you have the option to open the model directly by pressing the Open icon. Note: For more information, see the sections on accessing and viewing 3D models. After you're done viewing the model, simply tap the Home button. If the model was not previously saved, a message will ask whether you want to save before closing. There are two versions of the SketchUp installer, a version which requires an internet connection links above and a larger installer which includes all of our supported languages which will allow you to install without an Internet connection.
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